a5w_saveToExtendedUserInfo Function
p Result = a5w_saveToExtendedUserInfo(c userId, c json)
- userIdCharacter
The User Id for the record to update.
- jsonCharacter
The data for the record, represented using JSON. (See example below.)
- ResultPointer
Returns a dot variable with the following properties:
- sqlCharacter
The SQL statement that was executed.
- argumentsCharacter
The XML representation of the SQL::Arguments object. Contains arguments used in the SQL statement.
- errorLogical
Indicates if an error occurred. If .t., an error occurred. If .f., no error occurred.
- errorTextCharacter
If error is .t., contains additional information about the error.
- actionCharacter
'insert' or 'update'. Indicates whether a new record was added ('insert') or an existing record was updated ('update').
Saves data to the extended user information table.
The a5w_saveToExtendedUserInfo function can be used to store information to the Extended User Information Table for a user.
dim json as c json = <<%txt% { "FIRSTNAME" : "John", "LASTNAME" : "Smith", "COMPANY" : "Acme Corp" } %txt% dim p as p p = a5w_saveToExtendedUserInfo("[email protected]",json)
See Also