
Extension::RedisClient Class


Redis Client class, used to communicate with a Redis Server.



String host property


Numeric port property


BRPop Method

BRPop Command. returns last element and removes or block until one is available.

BRPopLPush Method

BRPopLPush Command. Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.

CreateClient Method

Replicate a database.

CreateListener Method

Create a named listener, takes a cr-lf delimited list of redis commands to listen on.

Decr Method

Incr Command.

Del Method

Delete Command.

Execute Method

Execute Command.

Exists Method

Exists Command.

Expire Method

Expire Command. Key will go away in # of seconds.

Get Method

Get Command.

GetReply Method

Block until next result (i.e. subscribe).

GetSet Method

GetSet Command. Gets old value at same time it sets new value.

Incr Method

Incr Command.

Keys Method

Keys Command. Use pattern to search for keys.

LIndex Method

LIndex Command. Get an element from a list by its index.

LInsert Method

LInsert Command. Inserts a value index a list after (or before) the item in find.

LLen Method

LLen Command. Get the length of a list (with optional value to stop at).

LPop Method

LPop Command. Remove and get the first element in a list.

LPush Method

LPush Command. Prepend one or multiple values to a list.

LPushX Method

LPushX Command. Prepend a value to a list, only if the list exists.

LRange Method

LRange Command. Get a range of elements from a list.

LRem Method

LRem Command. Get a range of elements from a list.

LSet Method

LSet Command. Set the value of an element in a list by its index.

LTrim Method

LTrim Command. Trim a list to the specified range.

Persist Method

Persist Command. Removes any expiration on key.

Rename Method

Rename Command.

RenameNX Method

Rename Command. Only performs the rename if the key does not exist.

RPop Method

RPop Command. Remove and get the last element in a list.

RPopLPush Method

RPopLPush Command.Remove and get the last element in a list

RPush Method

RPush Command. Append value to list.

RPushX Method

RPushX Command. Append value to list, only if the list exists.

Set Method

Set Command.

TTL Method

TTL Command. returns time to live for a key.

See Also