PDF Printing Utilities


Alpha Anywhere offers new and optional PDF printing utilities. To access these new tools select Tools > PDF Tools from the main menu.


  • Combine files

    Combines 2 or PDF files into a single file, which will contain the pages of both files.

  • Merge files

    Merges 2 PDF files, placing the pages of the second file either above or below the pages of the first file. Typically, used to place a watermark on pages.

  • Linearize

    Converts a PDF file to a format that is better for web viewing. This format makes it possible to view the first page before all remaining pages are downloaded.

  • Encrypt

    Adds password security and other user restrictions to a PDF file.

  • Export to RTF

    Converts a PDF file to RTF format, with various options for formatting the resulting file.

  • Export to HTML

    Converts a PDF file to HTML format, with various options for formatting the resulting file.

  • Export to Text

    Converts a PDF file to text, with various options for formatting the resulting file.

  • Create from Bitmap

    Converts a Windows Bitmap (.BMP) or JPEG (.JPG) file to PDF format. Typically, used to create a watermark to place on PDF pages.

Combine Files

Combining PDF files appends them end-to-end, so that the resulting file contains all the pages of the input files. To combine PDF files:

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Combine Files.

  2. Click Add File, select the PDF file you want, and click Open. Repeat for all the input files.

  3. If you want to remove a PDF file from the list, select it and click Remove File.

  4. The combine utility places the top entry in the list first in the resulting file, and works down the list, placing the last entry last. Optionally, select a PDF file and click Up or Down to reposition it in the list.

  5. Select and click to view a PDF file (you must have a program, such as Adobe Acrobat, capable of displaying PDF files).

  6. Optionally, enter the name of the Result file. If you do not specify a name, the first PDF file in the input list will be overwritten with the result.

  7. Optionally, click Select to define the Result file.

  8. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  9. Click OK to combine the files. After the files are combined, the utility will present an option to view the result.

Merge Files

Merging 2 PDF files combines them into a new file that contains as many pages as the longest of the input files. This utility is typically used to place a watermark on the pages of a PDF document. There are 3 options:

  • Place the merge file on top of the base file

  • Place the merge file below the base file

  • Place the merge file on all pages of the base file

To merge 2 PDF files:

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Merge Files.

  2. Click Select to choose the base PDF file. This is the file to which the watermark or logo is added.

  3. Click Select to choose the merge PDF file. This is the source for the watermark or logo. Use the Create from Bitmap utility to convert a bitmap into a PDF file suitable for this process.

  4. Optionally, click Select to choose the result PDF file. If you leave this blank,Alpha Anywhere will create a backup of the base file with a ".bak" extension and overwrite the base file.

  5. Optionally, check Merge file on top?

  6. Optionally, check Merge all pages? to place a watermark on all pages. Leave unchecked to place the watermark on the first page only.

  7. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  8. Click OK to merge the files. After the files are merged, the utility will present an option to view the result.


The linearize utility makes it easier for web users to read long PDF files. To linearize a PDF file.

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Linearize.

  2. Click Select to choose the source PDF file.

  3. Optionally, click Select to choose the result PDF file. If you leave this blank,Alpha Anywhere will create a backup of the source file with a ".bak" extension and overwrite the source file.

  4. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  5. Click OK to linearize the file. After the process is completed, the utility will present an option to view the result.


The encryption utility can prevent users from opening, modifying, copying, or printing the content of a PDF file. To encrypt a PDF file.

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Encrypt.

  2. Click Select to choose the source PDF file.

  3. Optionally, click Select to choose the result PDF file. If you leave this blank, Alpha Anywhere will create a backup of the source file with a ".bak" extension and overwrite the source file.

  4. Optionally, enter the Owner password. The user must supply the password to change the security settings.

  5. Optionally, enter the User password. The user must supply the password in order to open and read the file. This password must be different from the Owner password.

  6. Optionally, clear the Can Print? check box.

  7. Optionally, clear the Can Modify Document? check box.

  8. Optionally, clear the Can Copy? check box.

  9. Optionally, clear the Can Add Notes? check box.

  10. Optionally, set the Use 128 bit encryption check box. If not set, the utility will use 40 bit encryption. Users will need Adobe Acrobat version 5 or higher to read 128 bit encrypted files.

  11. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  12. Click OK to encrypt the file. After the process is completed, the utility will present an option to view the result.

Export to RTF

This utility creates a RTF version of the PDF file. It saves any images in .JPG format. To convert the file to RTF:

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Export to RTF.

  2. Click Select to choose the source PDF file.

  3. Optionally, click Select to choose the result file. If you leave this blank, Alpha Anywhere will use the name of the source file, but add a ".rtf" extension.

  4. Make a selection from the RTF Option list.

    • "Advanced RTF" - exports text and graphics, and uses frames to position objects.

    • "Full RTF" - exports text and graphics, but does not use frames to position objects. This format is easier to edit.

    • "Formatted Text" - exports RTF text only.

    • "Simple Text" - exports unformatted ASCII text.

  5. Make a selection from the Text Optimization list to specify how the text should be regrouped prior to output. Line optimization is recommended.

    • "No optimization"

    • "Line optimization"

    • "Paragraph optimization"

    • "Table optimization"

  6. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  7. Click OK to export the file. After the process is completed, the utility will present an option to view the result.

Export to HTML

This utility creates a HTML version of the PDF file. It saves any images in .JPG format. To convert the file to HTML:

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Export to HTML.

  2. Click Select to choose the source PDF file.

  3. Optionally, click Select to choose the result file. If you leave this blank, Alpha Anywhere will use the name of the source file, but add a ".html" extension.

  4. Make a selection from the RTF Option list.

    • "Layers" - exports content as a single file with layers. Note : Mozilla and Firefox may have problems displaying this HTML.

    • "Single" - exports content as a single file.

    • "Multiple" - exports content as multiple files.

  5. Make a selection from the Text Optimization list to specify how the text should be regrouped prior to output. Line optimization is recommended.

    • "No optimization"

    • "Line optimization"

    • "Paragraph optimization"

    • "Table optimization"

  6. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  7. Click OK to export the file. After the process is completed, the utility will present an option to view the result.

Export to Text

This utility creates a HTML version of the PDF file. It does not export any images. To convert the file to ASCII text:

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Export to Text.

  2. Click Select to choose the source PDF file.

  3. Optionally, click Select to choose the result file. If you leave this blank, Alpha Anywhere will use the name of the source file, but add a ".text" extension.

  4. Make a selection from the Text Optimization list to specify how the text should be regrouped prior to output. Line optimization is recommended.

    • "No optimization"

    • "Line optimization"

    • "Paragraph optimization"

    • "Table optimization"

  5. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  6. Click OK to export the file. After the process is completed, the utility will present an option to view the result.

Create from Bitmap

The Create from Bitmap utility converts a Windows Bitmap or JPEG file into a PDF file. To convert an image to PDF format:

  1. In the main menu select Tools > PDF Tools > Create from Bitmap.

  2. Click in the Bitmap filename field to choose the source image file.

  3. Click in the Output filename field to choose the destination PDF file location and name.

  4. Enter the height of the resulting PDF image in the Image height field. The measurement is in inches.

  5. Enter the width of the resulting PDF image in the Image width field. The measurement is in inches.

  6. Select the scaling method in the Image scaling list.

    • "Best-fit" - will preserve the aspect ratio of the image while scaling to fit within the height and width dimensions specified above.

    • "Stretch" - will scale both height and width to fill the specified dimension, and may result in image distortion.

    • "Tile" - will repeat the image horizontally and vertically within the boundaries of the page.

    • "Absolute" - will not scale the image

  7. Enter the height of the page in the P age height field. The measurement is in inches.

  8. Enter the width of the page in the P age width field. The measurement is in inches.

  9. Optionally, clear the Center bitmap check box.

    • 1. Enter the distance from the top of the page (in inches) in the Top position of bitmap field.

    • 2. Enter the distance from the left side of the page (in inches) in the Left position of bitmap field.

  10. Optionally, clear the Convert color to gray check box.

  11. Optionally, change the Grayscale level value. 100 is the maximum and makes the image very light. 0 is the minimum and shows the image at full intensity.

  12. Optionally, click to view the underlying Xbasic of the operation.

  13. Optionally, click Preview Page to view the new PDF file.

  14. Click OK to convert the file. After the process is completed, the utility will present an option to view the result.

See Also