Sub-themes are pre-defined CSS classes that can be applied to a control using Javascript. This is in addition to the main style that is defined for a component. Most of the controls in Alpha Anywhere that are written in Javascript contain a sub-theme property.
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/Data/Spin List Properties/Sub-theme.xml
Sets the sub-theme for a Spin list control.
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/other/ControlBar Properties/ControlBar properties/Items/ButtonSettingsHideDisclosure/subtheme.xml
Defines the sub-theme to use for the hide disclosure button.
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/UX/Controls/Props/container/Tab - Accordian Control Properties/Sub-theme.xml
The Sub-theme property differs depending on whether the Tab or the Accordion option is selected Under the Tab type property. Changing the sub-theme changed the appearance of the tab or the accordion control.
Sub-theme picker preview
/documentation/pages/Guides/Workspaces/CSS_SVG/Subthemes/Subtheme Picker.xml
When you pick the sub-theme for any control that supports sub-themes, the picker shows a preview of all of the available sub-themes.
Reporting::ReportGenerator.SubreportGenerate Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Reporting/ReportGenerator/SubreportGenerate Method.xml
Generate a subreport inside a current report context.
Reporting::ReportGenerator.SubreportCollapse Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Reporting/ReportGenerator/SubreportCollapse Method.xml
Generate an expanded subreport inside a current report context.
Reporting::ReportDef.AddSubReport Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/Reporting/ReportDef/AddSubReport Method.xml
Add a new subreport definition.
Report Help Pages
/documentation/pages/Index/Report Help Pages.xml
Pages relating to reports.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Portable SQL/String Functions/SubString.xml

Returns the portion of String starting at Position and for Length characters.