A5Storage::SubContainer Purge Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/A5Storage/SubContainer/Purge Method.xml
Returns .T. if the operation succeeds, otherwise .F. (see .CallResult for additional error information.)
*collect Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Printable Layouts/Report Functions/__STAR__collect Function.xml
Collect strings for group (in cr-lf list).
UX Component
/documentation/pages/Client/Guide/Design/View/Grid/UX Component - Older Page.xml
This is an older UX Component page that gives a general overview of the builders categories, properties, and features. For a more current description of the UX builder visit the other UX Component page.
AVERAGE Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Printable Layouts/Report Functions/AVERAGE Function.xml
Get the average of subexpression over group 'over' sampled each group 'each'
The Quick Report Genie
/documentation/pages/Guides/Report/Quick Reports/The Quick Report Genie.xml
The new Quick Report Genie is considerably more useful (and attractive) than the old Genie. One key difference to note is that Quick Reports can be used as they are and saved for future editing. In contrast, the old Quick Report Genie was a one-shot, one-way starter for the Report Editor.
A5Storage::SubContainer SetItem Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/A5Storage/SubContainer/SetItem Method.xml
The content type.
A5Storage::SubContainer ItemExists Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/A5Storage/SubContainer/ItemExists Method.xml
Returns .T. if the operation succeeds, otherwise .F. (see .CallResult for additional error information.)
A5Storage::SubContainer CopyContentsTo Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/A5Storage/SubContainer/CopyContentsTo Method.xml
Returns .T. if the operation succeeds, otherwise .F. (see .CallResult for additional error information.)
Using Charts in Xdialogs
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/Chart/Using Charts in Xdialogs.xml
To use a chart programmatically in an Xdialog:
A5Storage::SubContainer DeleteItem Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/A5Storage/SubContainer/DeleteItem Method.xml
Returns .T. if the operation succeeds, otherwise .F. (see .CallResult for additional error information.)