Alpha Anywhere

Features and Enhancements

User Interface

  • Create Panels on the fly using the new "Add Dynamic Panel Card to Panel Navigator" Panel Action. This action can be used to dynamically create new panels in an application. The content can be defined statically at design time or computed on-the-fly using client-side JavaScript or server-side Xbasic.

  • We've added more flexibility to the "Send E-mail Message" server-side Action Script. The sender, recipient, and subject information can be defined using Xbasic variables. These variables can be created in the server-side event or Ajax Callback where the Action Script is called.

Data Integration & Security

  • Add a layer of protection to your sensitive data by encrypting it directly in the database. Grid components and List controls now support the ability to encrypt individual fields in a table. Encryption requires an encryption key, which can be a single key for your entire application or a unique key per field. To learn more about encrypted fields and how they work, check out the documentation below:

  • Let your users decide who has access to features in your web applications with the Tabbed UI's new ability to change menu security groups at runtime. With this new functionality, you can give Administrators full control over who can open Grids, access reports, and more. Developers no longer need to edit security settings and re-publish an application when their users need to change access permissions for Tabbed UI menu options. Security settings for the Tabbed UI's menu options can be stored independently of the application's implementation, giving developers the option to let their users decide who has access to portions of an application.


  • UX Components opened using Action Javascript can now be cached when opened in a Dynamic Panel or HTML DIV element in an application, eliminating callbacks to the application server to download the component when the component is opened multiple times in an application.



Bug Fixes

  • UX Component - Publishing - Fixed a regression that caused an error publishing a UX component with color tweaks but no sub-theme or CSS tweaks.

  • UX Component - List Control - Kanban Layout - Fixed a regression rendering List controls with a Kanban layout.