
Character Replacement Functions


Replace elements in a string.

*REVERSE Function

Reverse the order of characters in a string.

*s Function

Replaces placeholders with values defined locally in Xbasic variables.

*token_translate Function

Replace Tokens in an expression token lists are cr-lf delimited of form <type>:<name> types are I-dentifier, F-unction, B-inary op, U-nary op, C-onst


Transpose characters in a string.

a5_stritran_multi_expression_Prepare Function

Before stritran_multi_expression() is called, sort the search/replace string by the length (descending) of the search strings.

CHRTRAN Function

Replaces a portion of one string with another.

CompileStringTemplate Function

Compile a string template that has expression enclosed in { }. Returns an object. Use <obj>.Output() to evaluate the string.


Replaces all variables/expressions in a string with their actual values. Variables/expressions are enclosed in { }. Use \{ or \} to escape the soft brace character.

expand_tabs Function

Expand tabs into spaces.

Filter_String_Smatch_Change Function

Change words (lines) of text that match a pattern.

html_stritran Function

Perform stritran on the plaintext of html.

html_strtran Function

Perform strtran on the plaintext of html.


Inserts a CRLF delimited string into another string at the specified position. Position can either be a line number or a string found in an existing line. Position can include wildcard characters. If before is .t. then insertion is made before position.

MASK Function

Replace spaces in template with characters of string.


Strips all non-alphabetic and non-numeric characters and spaces from a string.


Strips a trailing character from a string. Typically used to string a trailing backslash from a path.


Replaces each occurrence of a string with another - compare is case insensitive.


Replaces occurrences of strings in one cr-lf list with strings in another cr-lf list - compare is case insensitive.

Stritran_multi_expressions Function

Replaces occurrences of tokens before '=' with results of expression after '=' in cr-lf delimited list of pairs compare is case insensitive.


Replaces occurrences that match a pattern with another pattern.


Searches for occurrences of a sub-string starting with 'start_string' and ending with 'end_string' and replaces with 'replace_string'. Replace_count specifies how many replacements to make. Default is 0, which indicates replace all occurrences. Search is case-insensitive.

STRTRAN Function

Replaces each occurrence of a string with another.


Replaces occurrences of strings in one cr-lf list with strings in another cr-lf list - compare is case sensitive.

strtran_multi_expressions Function

Replaces occurrences of tokens before '=' with results of expression after '=' in cr-lf delimited list of pairs compare is case sensitive.


Replaces occurrences that match a pattern with another pattern.


Searches for occurrences of a sub-string starting with 'start_string' and ending with 'end_string' and replaces with 'replace_string'. Replace_count specifies how many replacements to make. Default is 0, which indicates replace all occurrences. Search is case-sensitive.


Replaces each occurrence of a word with another - compare is case insensitive.


Replaces each occurrence of a word with another.

STUFF Function

Alters a string by deleting characters and replacing them with another string.


Search and replace tokens in an expression, useful for replacing fieldnames and subexpressions.

Related Functions

*LINE_REMOVE() - Removes line(s) of text in a CR-LF delimited string.

*LINE_REPLACE() - Replaces line(s) of text in a CR-LF delimited string.

*WORD_REMOVE() - Removes one or more words from a string.

*WORD_REPLACE() - Replaces one or more words in string.

COMMA_TO_CRLF() - Converts a comma delimited list to a CR-LF delimited list.

CRLF_TO_COMMA() - Converts a CR-LF delimited list to a comma delimited list.

REGEX_MERGE() - Searches Text for one or more matches to Search_Expresssion and conditionally performs replacement operations.

WORD_MOVE() - Moves a word or entry from one position to another in a CR-LF delimited list.

WORD_REMOVE() - Removes the word indicated by position from a CR-LF delimited list.

WORD_REPLACE() - Replaces a word or entry in a CR-LF delimited list.

WORD_SUBTRACT() - Removes all of the "words" in Excluded_Words from the list of words or entries in string. Case insensitive.

WORD_SUBTRACTC() - Removes all of the "words" in Excluded_Words from the list of words or entries in string. Case sensitive.

<StringScanner>.Replace() - Inserts and optionally replaces text in the StringScanner buffer.

<StringScanner>.ReplaceSmatch() - Replaces the first instance of Find_Text in the StringScanner buffer with Replace_Text. Supports the use of wildcard characters in Find_Text.

<StringScanner>.ReplaceSmatchI() - Replaces the first instance of Find_Text (case insensitive) in the StringScanner buffer with Replace_Text. Supports the use of wildcard characters in Find_Text.

<StringScanner>.ReplaceString() - Replaces the first instance of Find_Text in the StringScanner buffer with Replace_Text.

<StringScanner>.ReplaceStringI() - Replaces the first instance of Find_Text (case insensitive) in the StringScanner buffer with Replace_Text.