Static functions can be called from an Xbasic script or webpage.
- Name
- Description
- Data Types
Functions to support Strings, Dates, Numbers and Times.
- Document Type Functions
Functions and methods to manipulate HTML, RTF, JSON, BSON and Images.
- Other Xbasic Functions
Xbasic functions that don't necessarily fit into existing function categories.
- Printable Layouts Functions
Functions and methods to render Reports, Letters, Labels and Charts.
- SQL Helper Functions
SQL connection helper functions.
- Storage Functions
Functions for working with Storage Connections to upload, download, delete, and list files stored on Cloud Storage services such as AmazonS3, Azure, and SharePoint.
- System Functions
File system, HTTP ,FTP and operating system functions.
- Alpha TransForm Functions
Functions for working with the Alpha TransForm API.
- Utility Functions
Miscellaneous utility functions, including USPS lookup, color, GUID functions.
- Web Functions
Helper functions for Web Applications, including Security, Publishing and Work Queues.
- Xbasic Functions
Xbasic specific functions, Evaluation, Debugging, Xbasic Session management functions.