Setting Choices for Record Lists


A data field displayed as a record list-list box or record list-combo box accepts only new or changed values that are already in the list. The difference between the two control types is only in the display of the data. A data field displayed as a record list-edit combo box accepts both values in the list and new values entered by the user.

  1. Select the control, choose Object > Properties and display the Setup tab.

  2. Select "Record List-List Box", "Record List-Combo Box", or "Record List-Edit Combo Box" in the Field-Type list.

  3. Display the Choices tab.

  4. Select a table in the From Table list.

  5. Specify the value you want to place into the field in the local table in the Return value field.

    • 1. Optionally, click the 'down arrow' button and select a field.

    • 2. Optionally, click and select "" to open the Expression Builder to help you construct an expression.

  6. A filter expression selects values from a lookup table based on one or more values in the current table. Optionally, check Enable Filter Expression and click Edit Filter Expression to display the Filter Expression dialog.

  7. Click Add New Column to Record List to display the Add New Record List Field dialog.

    • 1. Select the field you want to display from the Field list.

    • 2. Optionally, change the column label in the Header field.

    • 3. Optionally, change the number of characters to display in the Width field.

    • 4. Click OK to continue.

    • 5. Repeat steps 7a through 7d for each additional field that you would like to display in the list.

  8. Optionally, select any item in the Columns in Record List and click Edit Selected Item to display the Edit Existing Record List Field dialog.

    • 1. Optionally, select a different field to display from the Field list.

    • 2. Optionally, change the column label in the Header field.

    • 3. Optionally, change the number of characters to display in the Width field.

    • 4. Click OK to continue.

    • 5. Optionally, select any item in the Columns in Record List and use the 'up triangle' (move left) and the 'down triangle' (move right) buttons to change its column position.

  9. Optionally, clear Include column headings to suppress the display of column labels.

  10. Optionally, check Display only unique keys to prevent duplicate entries from appearing in the list.

See Also