User's Guide
Alpha Anywhere User Guide.
- Name
- Description
- Data Integration
Guides on using manipulating data in the server.
- Databases
Connecting to and working with Databases (SQL, noSQL) and other data sources in Alpha Anywhere.
- Genies
Genies available from the Xbasic Code Editor right click menu assist in writing code.
- Localization & Application Internationalization
Applications supporting multiple languages can be built in Alpha Anywhere.
- Mobile and Web Components
Components are the building blocks of Alpha Anywhere applications. A workspace can contain one or more components. Some types of components are better suited for mobile applications or web applications.
- Cordova
The integrated Cordova App Builder allows developers to easily build native, hybrid mobile applications from within Alpha Anywhere.
- Reporting
Report topics in Alpha Anywhere
- Security Framework
Alpha Anywhere includes a robust security framework for building secure applications.
- Services
Direct access to NoSQL databases.
- Web Socket Server
The Web Socket Server allows you to build 'connected' application (like a message board) where all of the clients are permanently connected to the Web Socket Server.
- Workspaces
An Alpha Anywhere workspace contains all files for a desktop, mobile, or web application.
- Python Integration
Utilizing Python scripts in applications.
- .Net Integration
Guides and examples on using Microsoft .Net from Xbasic.
- Xbasic
Guides for using Xbasic, Alpha Anywhere's server-side scripting language.
- Desktop
An Alpha Anywhere User Guide to building Desktop applications.
- Alpha Shell
Quickly test your components on a mobile device using Alpha Shell, a free app available in the iOS and Android app stores.
- Name
- Description
- Alpha Cloud
User Guides for Alpha Cloud
- Application Server for IIS
Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS
- Classic Application Server
The Alpha Anywhere Classic Application Server is used with web and mobile applications.
- Alpha Launch
Alpha Launch allows you to install mobile Alpha Anywhere apps to Apple and Android devices without the need to go through an App Store.
Alpha TransForm
- Name
- Description
- Alpha TransForm
Create applications against the Alpha TransForm API using helper features and built-in Xbasic functions designed to make working with the Alpha TransForm API simple.
Beta Features
- Name
- Description
- Document Templates
Creating PDFs and DOCX files from a template.
- List Calendar Layout
The List Calendar Layout renders list records (events) in a monthly, weekly, or daily calendar layout.