Data Field Control Properties


Properties are available for all form controls that are bound to a table field, variable, or a calculated value. Examples include:

  • Check boxes

  • Combo boxes

  • List boxes

  • Memo controls

  • Radio buttons

  • Rich Text Memo controls

  • Tree Controls

  • Type-In (text) controls

Setup Properties

  • Displayed Value

    The text displayed on the form.

    :formname.fieldname.text as C
  • Internal Value

    The actual value stored internally.

    :formname.fieldname.value as A
    You cannot read the value of a blank numeric or logical field. If a field on a form or browse is edited, the .text property immediately reflects what the user typed into the field, but the .value property is only set when the field looses focus.
  • Object Name

    Any text description that you wish. The default value is the field name. as C
  • Field

    The table field or variable that supplies the control writes to. as C
  • Field Type

    A wide variety of different formatting options to display the data and any selection options. as C
  • Color Equation

    You can assign Color Equations to your layouts. For example, you might have negative numbers appear in red to draw attention to them. A color equation is a conditional expression that determines the font color and field background color depending on the value of the displayed data. Click the button to open the Color Equation Genie. If you set a conditional font or color equation, the settings override any other font and color settings you have defined.

    :formname.fieldname.field.colorequation as C
  • Font Equation

    You can assign Font Equations to your layouts. For example, you might have negative numbers appear in bold to draw attention to them. A font equation sets different fonts, point sizes, and styles depending on the value of the displayed data. Click to display the Font Equation Genie to help you define the necessary font equation.

    :formname.fieldname.field.fontequation as C
  • Read Only

    When checked prevents the user from modifying any data visible in the field.

    :formname.fieldname.field.readonly as L
  • Tab Stop

    When checked causes allows the user to tab to the field.

    :formname.fieldname.object.tabstop as L
  • Allow Growth when Printing

    When checked allows the data to expand to fit on reports.

    :formname.fieldname.object.growable as L
  • Always on Top

    When checked the control is always on the top-most level of the form layout. No other form elements will over lap it.

    :formname.fieldname.object.always_on_top as L
  • Always Modeless

    When checked the control will always be in modeless data entry mode regardless of what the form's setting.

    :formname.fieldname.field.non_modal as L
  • Hide

    When checked the field becomes invisible.

    :formname.fieldname.object.visible as L
  • Disable

    When checked the field becomes inaccessible.

    :formname.fieldname.object.enabled as L
  • Allow Shrinking

    When checked allows the data to shrink to fit on reports.

    :formname.fieldname.object.shrinkable as L
  • Don't Spell Check

    When checked prevents the field from being spell checked.

    :formname.fieldname.object.disable_spellcheck as L
  • Show RTF Toolbar

    Rich Text Memo fields only. Whether to display the RTF Toolbar when the field has focus.

  • Fly-over Effects

    Check Fly-over Effects and click Set Fly-over Appearance to set horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, border, fill, font, and shadow properties to take effect when the cursor is above the field. Fly-over properties are not settable through Xbasic.


Format Properties

  • Horizontal Alignment

    Sets the horizontal alignment of the data in the field to "Left", "Center", or "Right".

    :formname.fieldname.align as C
  • Vertical Alignment

    Sets the vertical alignment of the data in the field to "Top", "Center", or "Bottom".

    :formname.fieldname.vertical_align as C
  • Word Wrap

    When checked allows text to word wrap to multiple lines. If disabled, text will be clipped to the field's width.

    :formname.fieldname.word_wrap as L
  • Width

    The width of the display in characters. This value can be greater than or less than the table field's width.

    :formname.fieldname.entry.width as N
  • Decimal Places

    For numeric fields, the number of characters to display after the decimal point; not necessarily equal to the number of decimal characters defined for the table field.

  • Format Style

    Optionally, select one of many data display formats.

    :formname.fieldname.entry.format as C

Border Properties

  • Border Style

    Sets the border line style. as C
  • Border Color

    Sets the border line color (using a color name or RGB value ).

    :formname.fieldname.border.color as C
  • Border Edge Shape

    Sets the shape of the border. as C
  • Border Width

    The width of the border line in pixels.

    :formname.fieldname.border.width as N
  • Show Left, Right, Top, Bottom

    For edge shape "Square" determines which sides of the rectangle will display. For other edge shapes, determines which corners will be square or styled.

    :formname.fieldname.border.has_bottom_edge as L
    :formname.fieldname.border.has_left_edge as L
    :formname.fieldname.border.has_right_edge as L
    :formname.fieldname.border.has_top_edge as L
  • Shadow Style

    Determines how much the shadow will be offset and its degree of shading. as C
  • Shadow Color

    Sets the shadow color (using a color name or RGB value ).

    :formname.fieldname.shadow.color as C
  • Background Style

    The fill color mode and translucency of the control's background.

    :formname.controlname.Background_style as C
  • Fill

    The style and color(s) of the control's background.

    :formname.controlname.fill.backcolor as C
    :formname.controlname.fill.forecolor as C as C

Font Properties

  • Font

    Sets the font. as C
  • Size

    Sets the point size.

    :formname.fieldname.font.size as N
  • Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout

    When checked set the named attribute.

    :formname.fieldname.font.bold as L
    :formname.fieldname.font.italic as L
    :formname.fieldname.font.strikeout as L
    :formname.fieldname.font.underline as L
  • Color

    Sets the text color (using a color name or RGB value ).

    :formname.fieldname.font.color as C

Dimension Properties

  • Left

    Sets the horizontal position of the control.

    :formname.fieldname.object.left as N
  • Top

    Sets the vertical position of the control. as N
  • Width

    Sets the width of the control.

    :formname.fieldname.object.width as N
  • Height

    Sets the height of the control.

    :formname.fieldname.object.height as N
  • Anchor

    Determines the way the tabbed control will or will not stretch as the base form is resized. Possible attachment points are: 1 = top and right 2 = top, left, and right 4 = bottom and left 5 = bottom and right 6 = bottom, left, and right 8 = top, bottom, and left 9 = top, bottom, and right 10 = top, bottom, left, and right

    :formname.fieldname.object.anchor as N

  • Bubble Help Text

    The bubble help text that appears when you place the cursor over the control.

    :formname.fieldname.bubble_help as C
  • Help Source File

    The path to and name of the compiled help file that contains the help topics.

    :formname.fieldname.help_filename as C
  • Topic Name

    The name of the help topic in a compiled help file.

    :formname.fieldname.help_topic as C
  • Chapter Name

    The name of the chapter name in an Alpha Anywhere help file.

    :formname.fieldname.chapter_name.help_topic as C
  • Topic Name

    The name of the help topic in a compiled help file.

    :formname.fieldname.settings.help_title as C

Menu and Toolbar Properties

  • Right Click Menu

    Sets the menu that appears when you right click on the control.

    :formname.fieldname.right_click_menu as C

Choice Properties (Record List Controls)

Record List controls are bound to one or more fields in a specified table.

  • Table

    The table which provides the data that is displayed.

    :formname.controlname.table as C
  • Return Value

    The value that will be returned to the form when a record is selected.

  • Filter Expression

    An expression that selects which records will be displayed.

    :formname.controlname.record_list.filter_expression as C
  • Columns in Record List

    These fields that the list will display.

    :formname.controlname.record_list.order_expression as C
  • Watch Expression

    An expression that evaluates to a logical value to determine when the list should be refreshed. The Watch Expression is not enabled until there is a Filter Expression. If you do not have a need to select a subset of your table's records, give the Filter Expression a value of .T. (all records).

    :formname.controlname.record_list.watch_expression as C

Choice Properties (Other Controls)

Lists of choices can be based on system objects (e.g. field names), table values, expressions, user written functions, or static lists. Refer to the following topics for more information.

  • Check boxes

  • Combo box

  • List box

  • Radio buttons

  • Two state buttons


See Also