Cancel Changes
The Cancel Changes action removes all edits made to the current record. Use this action as an "escape" method to prevent accidental changes to a record.
Make a selection in the Cancel changes to the record in which Form/Browse window? field. This field will be grayed out unless this action is based on a Form or Browse. The choices are:
- "Current Form or Browse Window".
- "Another Form or Browse Window".
If you selected "Another Form or Browse Window", in the Window Name field select either:
- "Forms"
- "Browses"
Select one of the listed forms or browses.
If you selected a form in step 3, optionally select whether you are working with the form ( Parent Level ) or with an Embedded Layout.
If you selected "Embedded Layout" in step 4, click the 'down arrow button to select an embedded form or browse.
Click Next >.
Optionally modify the comment that describes the action.
Click Finish.
See Also