Set Variable(s) to Form/Browse Window Info
The Set Variable(s) to Form/Browse Window Info action retrieves various kinds of information about a window.
Make a selection in the Get the 'Text' property of object(s) in which window? field. This field will be grayed out unless this action is based on a Form or Browse. The choices are:
"Current Form or Browse Window".
"Another Form or Browse Window".
If you selected "Another Form or Browse Window", select one of the listed forms or browses.
Click the Add button to display a list of controls from the form or browse. Select a control and click OK to add the control to the list.
Select a control in the list and click Delete to remove it.
Enter the name you would like to use for the variable in the Store property value in a variable called field. Click Select Existing Variable to choose from a list of existing variables.
Select each object in the list and select the variable's scope from the Variable Scope list. There are two options:
"Shared" - means that the variable can be used only by other scripts on the window
"Global" - means that all scripts can access the variable
Click Next >.
Optionally modify the comment that describes the action.
Click Finish.
See Also