Wait Dialog - Open
The Wait Dialog - Open action displays a wait dialog that is used to indicate the progress of a long running process.
Enter a name for the wait dialog in the Identifier field.
Enter a Title for the dialog box.
Select a Type for the dialog box, which can be:
"Repeating" - a bar that travels from left to right, and then repeats
"Bounce" - a bar that travels from left to right, then right to left, and then repeats
"Percent" - a progression from 0 to 100%
"Message" - no progress indicator
Enter a number in Message Lines. The first line is above the progress indicator, and the remaining lines are below the indicator. Set to 0 for no messages.
Optionally, enter a message to the user in the Top Message field.
Optionally, if the number of message lines is greater than 1, enter a message to the user in the Bottom Message field.
Optionally, click Preview and Close Preview to see how the dialog will appear.
Click Next >.
Optionally, enter a comment that describes the action.
Click Finish.
See Also