Addin Manager


Background information on using the addin manager and using the addin manager.

Background Information

An Addin is a special library of scripts and functions. Alpha Anywhere stores global scripts and functions in desktop applications in a library file (an .ALB file) of the same name as the Workspace file (the .adb file).

Normally, the scripts and functions that you create in a Workspace are only available when that Workspace is open. If you have created a library of scripts and functions that you want to use when another Workspace is open, you can attach the script library to that Workspace (using the File > Workspace Properties command).

Alpha Anywhere also allows you to compile the scripts and functions in a library into a special Compiled Script Library (which has an .AEX extension). Like scripts and functions in an .ALB file, a Compiled Script Library can also be attached to a Workspace (using the File > Workspace Properties command).

However, unlike the scripts and functions in a .ALB file, a Compiled Script Library can be made into an Addin. The scripts and functions in an Addin are universally available, regardless of what Workspace is currently open. In effect, the scripts and functions in an Addin are "part of" Alpha Anywhere.

To make a Compiled Script Library into an Addin, you simply copy the .aex file into the "addins_installed" folder under the Alpha Anywhere program folder. In addition to the "addins_installed" folder, Alpha Anywhere also has an "addins_disabled" folder under the main Alpha Anywhere program folder. The .aex files in this folder are the Addins that have been temporarily disabled.

Using the Addin Manager

To open the Addin Manager dialog box, select the Tools > Addin Manager... .

Alpha Anywhere displays the Addin Manager, showing both the currently installed Addins, and the disabled Addins. The installed Addins have a check in the box to their left.

Using this dialog you can easily install any disabled Addins, or disable any installed Addins. You do not need to restart Alpha Anywhere after changing the list of installed Addins.

Addins provide a powerful mechanism for developers to add new features to Alpha Anywhere itself.


Desktop applications only. Not available in Community Edition.

See Also