A Genie Style Dialog with Tabs
This script shows how you can create a Genie style Xdialog that also has tabs allowing quick access to individual pages of the Genie.
First specify the tab names.
dim lv as P lv = local_variables() 'Specify the List of Tab Names for the Genie panes = <<%a% Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 %a%
Next, specify the Xdialog code (dialog body and event code) for each Genie page.
dim code_pages[1] as P code_pages[1].name = "Page 1" code_pages[1].dialog_body = <<%dlg% This is the body of the 'Page 1' page; %dlg% code_pages[1].dialog_events = <<%code% 1=1 %code% code_pages.insert(1,1) code_pages[1].name = "Page 2" code_pages[1].dialog_body = <<%dlg% This is the body of the 'Page 2' page; %dlg% code_pages[1].dialog_events = <<%code% 1=1 %code% code_pages.insert(1,1) code_pages[1].name = "Page 3" code_pages[1].dialog_body = <<%dlg% This is the body of the 'Page 3' page; %dlg% code_pages[1].dialog_events = <<%code% 1=1 %code%
Next, display the dialog box.
current_pane = 1 dim flag_next as L dim flag_prev as L dim flag_finish as L flag_next = .t. flag_prev = .f. flag_finish = .f. ui_dlg_box("Genie with Tabs",<<%dlg% {startup=init} [%R=1%.144,19current_pane^^panes!current_pane_*] {embedded=142,13embedded1} {line=1,0}; {justify=right}<10&Cancel> <10&< Previous!prev?flag_prev><10&Next \>!next?flag_next> <10&Finish?flag_finish>; %dlg%,<<%code% if a_dlg_button = "init" then a_dlg_button = "" show_page(lv) end if if left(a_dlg_button, 13) = "current_pane_" then if a_dlg_button = "current_pane_change" then show_page(lv) set_flags(lv) end if a_dlg_button = "" end if if a_dlg_button = "prev" then a_dlg_button = "" current_pane = current_pane - 1 if current_pane = 0 then current_pane = 1 end if show_page(lv) set_flags(lv) end if if a_dlg_button = "next" then current_pane = current_pane + 1 if current_pane > line_count(panes) then current_pane = line_count(panes) end if a_dlg_button = "" show_page(lv) set_flags(lv) end if %code%)
The show_page()function swaps the embedded dialog boxes as the user clicks the tabs.
function show_page as v (vars as P) with vars dim page_to_show as C dim dlg_body_embedded as C dim dlg_event_embedded as C page_to_show = word(panes,current_pane,crlf()) dim tempIndx as N tempIndx = code_pages.find(ut(page_to_show), "ut(name)") if tempIndx > 0 then dlg_body_embedded = code_pagestempIndx.dialog_body dlg_event_embedded = code_pagestempIndx.dialog_events else dlg_body_embedded = "Code for this page not found" dlg_event_embedded = "1=1" end if ui_modeless_dlg_box("embedded1", dlg_body_embedded, dlg_event_embedded) end with end function
The set_flags()function sets the values of the logical variables, which in turn determine whether buttons will display.
function set_flags as v (vars as P) with vars if current_pane = 1 then flag_prev = .f. else flag_prev = .t. end if if current_pane = line_count(panes) then flag_next = .f. flag_finish = .t. else flag_next = .t. end if end with end function
Desktop applications only.
See Also