Adding Right-Click Context Menus


The following example shows how to respond to right click events.

ui_dlg_box("Right Click",<<%dlg%
This Xdialog demonstrates how you can add right-click menu support to different regions on an Xdialog box.;
To test, right-click on either of the two fields. Note that each has a different right-click event.;

The {rightclick=menu1} statement establishes the right-click menu to call for the name field.

Name: | [.20name];

The {rightclick=menu2} statement overrides the previous statement and establishes the right-click menu to call for the city field.

City: | [.20city];

The {rightclick=} statement overrides the previous statement and removes the menu association for the remainder of the dialog box.

Now, right-click here. Notice that the right-click event here has no menu. ;
if a_dlg_button = "menu1" then
    ui_msg_box("Menu1","User right-clicked")
    a_dlg_button = ""
end if
if a_dlg_button = "menu2" then
    menu = <<%a%
    result = ui_popup_menu(menu)
    ui_msg_box("Menu2","User selected: " + result)
    a_dlg_button = ""
end if


Desktop applications only.

See Also