Setting the Button Width
In the above dialog, the OK button is not the same size as the Cancel button. You can set the size of a button by specifying optional character and line co-ordinates. The following script sets the buttons to 15 characters wide:
ui_dlg_box("Title",<<%dlg% {region} Filename: [.32filename] {endregion}; <*15:OK>; <15:Cancel> %dlg%)
This script creates this dialog and sets the button Width:
Setting the Button Height
The following script sets the button height to 1.5 lines:
ui_dlg_box("Title",<<%dlg% {region} Filename: [.32filename] {endregion}; <*15,1.5:OK>; <15,1.5:Cancel> %dlg%)
This script creates this dialog and sets the button height:
Desktop applications only
See Also