Displaying Dynamic Help When Clicking on a Label
Create 'hot labels' in Xdialog boxes. When the mouse is over the label, the label is underlined, indicating that the label can be clicked. When you click the label, a popup window appears, in which you can define help. Use HTML syntax to create beautifully formatted help. Even use a CSS style sheet to define a consistent look.
dlg_body is an example of a text string that is pre-built for use in the UI_DLG_BOX() command at the bottom of the script.
dlg_body = <<%dlg% {wrap=100} This example demonstrates how you can create dialog boxes with 'hot' labels. When you click the mouse on a label, a small window pops up offering help to the user on the parameter referenced by the label. This is a convenient alternative to creating a stand-alone help file and hooking the help file into your Xdialog. \(See Lesson 9 - Adding Help to an Xdialog Box); {lf}; {line=1,0}; {region} ##Suppress blank lines!suppress~~ | (suppress); ##Number of rows!rows~~ | [.20rows]; {lf}; {endregion}; ##Click here for help on how this dialog was constructed!howbuilt~~; {lf}; {line=1,0}; <10&OK!ok> <10&Close!close>; %dlg%
dlg_event is another pre-built string.
dlg_event = <<%code% if a_dlg_button = "ok" then ui_msg_box("","User pressed the OK button.") a_dlg_button = "" end if %code% help_howbuilt = <<%a% <font size="2" face="Tahoma">The 'hot' labels are designated using this syntax:<br> </font><font size="2" face="Courier New" color="#0000FF">##Label!variable_name~~</font><p> <font size="2" face="Tahoma">where "<i>Help_variable_name</i>" is a variable in your script that contains the help text that will be displayed when you click on the hot label. <br> <br> For example, if you define a label like this:<br> </font><font color="#0000FF"><font size="2" face="Courier New">##</font><font size="2" face="Tahoma">Account number!accno~~</font></font><font size="2" face="Tahoma"><br> <br> then you must include a variable called 'help_accno' in your script that contains the help text for this label. The string in "help_accno" can be any HTML text that you want.</font></p> <font face="Tahoma" size="2">Before the dialog box is displayed, the string that defines the dialog body is "pre-processed" using the <b>a5_xdialogPreProcess()</b> function. This function returns a dot variable with two properties, "dlg_body" and "dlg_event". The "dlg_body" property is used in the ui_dlg_box() function, and the "dlg_event" property is appended to the event handler for your dialog box.</font><p><font face="Tahoma" size="2"><br> </font></p> </font><p><font face="Tahoma" size="2">Note: The <b>a5_xdialogPreProcess()</b> function takes these arguments:</font></p> <font face="Tahoma" size="2">a5_XdialogPreProcess(C dlg_string [,C <i>default_body_tags</i> ,C <i>style_sheet</i> ])<br> <br> The <i>default_body_tags</i> parameter allows you to specify any default parameters, such as background color, for the window. The <i>style_sheet</i> parameter allows you to specify a CSS stylesheet that can be referenced by your help text.<br> %a% help_suppress = <<%a% <body bgcolor="#CCFFCC"> <h4>Help on Suppressing Rows</h4> This property allows you to suppress empty rows if there is not enough data to fill all rows in the grid.<br><br> Notice that in defining the help text for this label, we have overwridden the default background color for the window by supplying a "BODY" tag. You can use any HTML syntax that you want in the help text. %a% help_rows = <<%a% Specify the number of rows to show in the grid. %a% x = a5_xdialogPreProcess(dlg_body) dlg_body = x.dlg_body dlg_event = x.dlg_event + dlg_event ui_dlg_box("Hot Labels", dlg_body, dlg_event)
Desktop applications only.
See Also