Keeping a Dialog Open after Processing Events


If, after the event_handling_code has processed an event generated by the dialog box, the a_dlg_button variable is set to a NULL value, the dialog is kept open. If a_dlg_button is set to any non-null value, the dialog is closed and the value in a_dlg_button is returned by the UI_DLG_BOX()function.

Trapping the OK Button

Therefore, in order to have the dialog remain open after the user dismisses the message box, all that we have to do is set a_dlg_button to a NULL value, as shown below:

Result = Ui_dlg_box("Title",<<%dlg%
Hello World;
<*15&OK> <&Cancel>
if a_dlg_button = "&OK" then
    ui_msg_box("Notice","User clicked the OK button.")
    a_dlg_button = ""
end if

Trapping the Cancel Button

To display a message box when the user presses the Cancel button, we have to include an event handler for the &Cancel event (which is generated when the Cancel button is pressed). Here is how this is done:

Result = Ui_dlg_box("Title",<<%dlg%
Hello World;
<*15&OK> <&Cancel>
if a_dlg_button = "&OK" then
    a_dlg_button = ""
    ui_msg_box("Notice","User clicked the OK button.")
end if
if a_dlg_button = "&Cancel" then
    msg = "Are you sure you want to close the dialog?"
    answer = ui_msg_box("Notice",msg,ui_yes_no)
    if answer = ui_yes_selected then
        a_dlg_button = "&Cancel"
        a_dlg_button = ""
    end if
end if


Desktop applications only.

See Also