Sharing and Using a User-defined Component
Once you have a working User-defined Component, you can share it with others by sending them a Zip of the entire directory tree you used to create the User-defined Component builder. They will need to unpack it into their C:\Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming\AlphaSoftware\AlphaAnywhere\<identifier>\UserDefinedWebComponentTypes directory, which they can find by using the Edit|Advanced|Open Folder where User-defined Components are Registered menu item from Alpha Anywhere.
If you are selling the component commercially, you may want to put most of your code in an encrypted AEX, and make what goes into the builderFunctionDefinitions.txt file stub functions that call into more substantial functions in the AEX. If the AEX is in the AEX subdirectory of the component folder, it will automatically be published with any component created from the builder.
See Also