Image Gallery Component Events


Information about client-side and server-side events for the Image Gallery Component.


When the Image Gallery component is run initially, server and client-side events fire in the following order: onComponentInitialize -> onComponentExecute -> onInitialRender

When an Ajax callback is made, events fire in the following order: canAjaxCallback -> onComponentExecute -> afterAjaxCallbackComplete

Server-side Events

All server-side events have access to the following properties, available via the e object, which is passed to both events.


An object containing the Image Gallery component's definition (i.e. properties.) You can modify the definition to change the Image Gallery component's behavior.


An object for storing runtime calculations. Placing data in e.rtc makes it available to Xbasic in other server-side events.


SQL::Arguments object that contains the values assigned to arguments defined in the Image Gallery component. Arguments can be read using the find() method. For example: e.arguments.find("argumentName").data

Server-side events can also access Server objects to create or read session, request, and response variables. See the Context Object to learn more about methods available for these objects.


The Request object. See Request Object for methods available for the Request object on the Classic Application Server. IMPORTANT If you are running the Application Server for IIS, you must use Context.Request, not Request to access the request variable information. See Context.Request object for more information.


The Session object. Can be used to create server-side session variables to store state information that can be accessed throughout a web application.

onComponentInitialize Event

Fires the first time a component is run. The onComponentInitialize does not fire more than once.

onComponentExecute Event

Fires every time the component is run, including on Ajax callbacks.

Client-side Events

canAjaxCallback Event

Fires before an Ajax callback. If the function returns false, the callback will be aborted.

  • Parameters

    JavaScript in the canAjaxCallback event can reference the following parameters:


    The name of the Xbasic function that will be called.


    The Xbasic event that will be called.

afterAjaxCallbackComplete Event

Fire after an Ajax callback has completed.

  • Parameters

    JavaScript in the afterAjaxCallbackComplete event can reference the following parameters:


    The name of the Xbasic function that was executed in the callback.


    The Xbasic event that was executed in the callback.

onInitializeComplete Event

Fires after the Image Gallery component is completely initialized and all HTML has been rendered. It fires once when the Image Gallery component is first rendered. onInitializeComplete not fire on subsequent Ajax callbacks.

onInitializeComplete does not have any parameters.

onEventsLoad Event

Fires when events are loaded.

onEventsLoad does not have any parameters.

onRenderComplete Event

The last event to fire when the Image Gallery component is rendered.

onRenderComplete does not have any parameters.