Creating a List of Switch Controls


A common design pattern in mobile applications is to have a series of Switch controls to set logical values.


A common design pattern in mobile applications is to have a series of Switch controls to set logical values. For example:


The list of Switch controls was created by wrapping it in a ControlGroup Container and modifying the style of the control and control's label. The Width for every Switch control is also set to 100%, so it will fill the row.


Notice that the Control Container Classname property has been set to a custom class name (code below.)

In the CSS, we first set the control container to have a relative position - which means all absolutely positioned child elements will be positioned relative to the parent - allowing parent width and position to be honored be the child.

We then set the first level of child DIVs (of which there is only one - the switch itself - the label is a <label> element) to have an absolute position, a specific width, and a right location of 0px - which means it will stick to the right of the parent.

.switchCtrlGroup {
position: relative;
.switchCtrlGroup > div {
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
width: .75in;

Download this example component to learn more.