- eobject
An object with the following properties:
- arrayarray
An array containing the list of orphaned files that will be deleted.
Fires before any orphaned media files are deleted from the local file system on the device.
The beforeDeleteOprhanMediaFiles event is triggered before any orphaned files on the device file system are removed. Orphaned media files are files that were previously downloaded but are no longer referenced by any record in a List.
If this event returns false, the orphaned files will not be deleted.
var childList = {dialog.object}.getControl('CHILD_LIST'); if(childList && childList.listIsDirty()) { // Don't delete orphaned media files if the // child list contains unsaved edits. return false; }
See Also
- How To Download Files to a Mobile Device
- beforeMediaFilesUploaded
- afterMediaFilesUploaded
- beforeMediaFilesDownloaded
- afterMediaFilesDownloaded
- afterDeleteOrphanMediaFiles
- onMediaFilesUploadErrors
- onNoMediaFilesToFetch
- List Control Client-side Events
- Detail View Client-side Events
- Javascript - Run Time
- Javascript - Render Time