Fires when the user tries to synchronize the data in the List (by making an Ajax callback). If the function returns false, the action is cancelled. The data object is passed in as a member of the e object. If you set properties in, you can override the values from the List that will be submitted to the server. If you set the[rowNumber]._isDirty property of a particular row to false, then the data in that row will not be synchronized. The e object that is passed in includes batchSize, totalDirtyRows, and startingRow. If all of the data is not being submitted in batches, then the batch size is 0. To test if this is the first batch in a job test for batchSize > 0 and startingRow = 1.
This event passes several parameters when the Javascript code executes: data, batchSize, totalDirtyRows, startingRow.
See Also