- eobject
An object with the following properties:
- arrayarray
An array containing information about the media files that were uploaded. Check the array entry's succeeded property to determine which files had errors.
- errorCountnumber
A count of the number of records with errors.
Fires if there were any errors when uploading media files.
The onMediaFilesUploadErrors event is triggered if there were any errors encountered while uploading media files. If a record contains a media file that could not be uploaded successfully, the record will not be synched.
The e.array is an array of objects that contain information about the media files that were uploaded. If an error was encoutered for an entry in this array, the object's succeeded property will be false.
for (var i=0; i < e.array.length; i++) { if (e.array[i].succeeded == false) { alert("e.array["+i+"] did not succeed."); } }
You can use JSON.stringify to display the content in the e.array object:
See Also
- How To Download Files to a Mobile Device
- beforeMediaFilesUploaded
- afterMediaFilesUploaded
- beforeMediaFilesDownloaded
- afterMediaFilesDownloaded
- beforeDeleteOrphanMediaFiles
- afterDeleteOrphanMediaFiles
- onNoMediaFilesToFetch
- List Control Client-side Events
- Detail View Client-side Events
- Javascript - Run Time
- Javascript - Render Time