Window Properties


Defines the look and behavior of a window, including the title, size, and whether or not it can be resized.


The Window Properties are used to configure how the component/page is shown -- on page, in a popup window, or on a tab in a parent Tabbed UI Component. These properties are only available if the Embedded Object Properties Show mode has been set to "When button is clicked" or "Programmatic".

Window type

The Window type defines what kind of window to display when the contents are shown. Specify the window type of the window where the object should be shown. If you select 'Tabbed UI Pane' then (if the page is running inside a Tabbed UI component) instead of opening in a window, t. Available window types include:

On page

The component/page is shown on the page.


The component/page is shown in a popup modal window.


The component/page is shown in a popup modeless window.

Tabbed UI Pane

If the component is running inside a Tabbed UI Component pane, the component/page is shown in a pane in the Tabbed UI Component. Additional properties (below) can be used to configure whether the content is shown in a new tab pane or the current tab pane.

Pane title

Specify the title of the Tabbed UI Pane. This option is only available if Window type has been set to 'Tabbed UI Pane'.

Re-use existing pane

If the user clicks the button to open the object a second or subsequent time, should the object be opened in a new TabbedUI pane, or should focus be given to the existing tab pane. This option is only available if Window type has been set to 'Tabbed UI Pane'.

Auto refresh on focus

Specify if the content in the tab pane should be refreshed automatically every time the pane gets focus. This option is only available if Window type has been set to 'Tabbed UI Pane'.

Window height

Specify the height of the pop-up window where the object will be shown. Leave blank to auto-size based on the object's height. Use CSS syntax (e.g. 5in, 200px)

Window width

Specify the width of the pop-up window where the object will be shown. Leave blank to auto-size based on the object's width. Use CSS syntax (e.g. 5in, 200px)

Window title

Specify the window title. This option is available for all Window type options except 'On page'.


Specify if the window can be resized. This option is available for all Window type options except 'On page'.

Can hide window

Specify if the on-page window in which the object is shown can be hidden. This option is only available if Window type has been set to 'On page'.

Hide window hyperlink

Hide window hyperlink property. This option is only available if Window type has been set to 'On page' and Can hide window has been checked.

See Also