Fires if there was a server-side error in Xbasic code that handles an event.
This method is triggered when an Xbasic error occurs in one of the server-side UX events or in an Ajax callback. It can be used to trap the error and perform other tasks when it occurs.
The onServerSideEventHandlerError has one parameter, errorText. It can be accessed through the e object.
- Parameter
- Description
- e.errorText
The Xbasic error message returned from the server.
You can use this method to display the server-side error in a popup message. The example below demonstrates how this could be done.
var title = "An Xbasic Error Occured"; var html = '<p style="width:300px;">' + e.errorText + "</p>"; var buttons = "o"; var onClose = function () {}; A5.msgBox.show(title,html,buttons,onClose);
This method is triggered when an Xbasic code error occurs. In most deployed Alpha Anywhere applications, Xbasic code should not have any errors as Xbasic code errors should be caught during development and testing of an application (before you deploy your application.)