Restore data in List controls from Local Storage (or File System)


If enabled, List data persisted to Local Storage (or a device's file system) will be automatically restored when the app is opened.


List data can be persisted to Local Storage or the file system for a device. The Restore data in List controls from Local Storage (or File System) property can be turned on to automatically restore persisted data when the app is opened. Only the Lists configured to store their data in Local Storage (or file system) are restored.

Related Client-side Events

The following List Control client-side events are triggered when data is restored from local storage or the file system to a List control:


Fires after the List data has been restored from Local Storage. The onRestoreFromLocalStorage event ha an e.userData property that will contain any data that was set in the onBeforePersistToLocalStorage event.


Fires after data is read from Local Storage. If the data was encrypted using the List's localStorageEncryption event, you must decrypt the data in the localStorageDecryption event.