Copying a Report to Another Database
If you would like to copy a report to another database, it is important to understand that a report is not attached to a database. It is attached to a table. The source and destination databases must have tables with the same field names and definitions.
Open the destination database that has the destination table.
Attach the source table temporarily to the destination database. Select File > Add Table/Set... .
In the resulting Add Tables/Sets to Database dialog in the Look in field click the 'open folder' icon to navigate to and select the source table.
Click Open.
Click OK.
Display the Report tab of the destination database.
Highlight the report you want to copy, right click and select Copy to... .
Select the destination table from the list and click OK.
Now detach the source table. Display the Tables/Sets tab of the destination table.
Right click the source table and select Drop table from database.
See Also