Managing Web Components
- Display Format
- Filter the file list by file type
- Display icons instead of text
- Display file size and modified date
- File Organization
- Create a subfolder to organize files
- Delete a subfolder
- Navigate to a sub-folder (move down)
- Navigate to parent folder (move up).
- Move Files
- Import a file into a project
- Copy file(s) to a different project
- Email file(s)
- Import file(s)
- Export file(s)
The Web Projects Control Panel has several tools to assist in the management of the files that are used to compose web pages.
Display Format
Filter the file list by file type
Select "A5W Pages", "HTML Pages", "Images", or "Web Components" to show only the files of the selected type.
Display icons instead of text
Right click on the right pane and select View > Icon.
Display file size and modified date
Right click on the right pane and select View > Details.
File Organization
Create a subfolder to organize files
Right click on the right pane and select New Folder, enter its name, and click OK.
Delete a subfolder
Right click on a folder, select Delete Folder, and click OK.
Navigate to a sub-folder (move down)
Double click on its icon.
Navigate to parent folder (move up).
Click on the Web Projects Control Panel.
Move Files
Import a file into a project
1. Right on the right pane and select Add File.
2. Select the file type from the Files of type list.
3. Navigate to the file's directory, select it, and click Open.
Copy file(s) to a different project
1. Select any file, right click, and select Copy to.
2.Select which files to copy. The options are:
All files in project
Selected files
Current file
3. If you chose "Selected files":
1. Click Select Files.
2. Place checkmarks next to the files to copy.
3. Click OK.
4. Select where to copy the files. The options are:
1. Current database
2. Other database
5. If you selected "Other database":
1. Click 'open file' to navigate to and select the target database.
2. Click Open.
6. Optionally, select the Destination project from the drop-down list.
7. Optionally, click Create New Project.
1. Enter the new project name.
2. Click OK.
8. Click Copy To.
9. Place checkmarks next to the files to copy and click OK.
Email file(s)
This procedure creates a zip file and makes it an attachment to a new email message in your default email client.
1. Select any file, right click, and select Send.
2. Select which files to email. The options are:
All files in project
Selected files
Current file
3. If you chose "Selected files":
1. Click Select Files.
2. Place checkmarks next to the files to email.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Send.
5. Place checkmarks next to the files to email and click OK.
Import file(s)
This procedure extracts files from a zip file that contains the files you wish to export.
1. Select any file, right click, and select Import.
2. Click 'open' to navigate to and select the zip file.
3. Click Open.
4. Place checkmarks next to the files to import and click Import.
Export file(s)
1. Select any file, right click, and select Export.
2. Select which files to export. The options are:
All files in project
Selected files
Current file
3. If you chose "Selected files":
1. Click Select Files.
2. Place checkmarks next to the files to export.
3. Click OK.
4. Click the following to navigate to and name the new zipfile.
5. Click Open.
6. Click Export.
7. Place checkmarks next to the files to export and click OK.
See Also