How to Close the Window in which the Component is Shown
A UX or Grid component opened in a window in a Desktop application can close the window when the component is submitted or a button is clicked.
If you use a Grid or UX component in a Desktop Application and you open an Xdialog window that hosts a component, a common use case is to automatically close the host Xdialog window when data in the Grid is submitted or when a button is pressed in a UX.
Here is how you can do this:
This will only work in a desktop application. If the component can be used in both a desktop and web application, you will need to add additional checks to ensure that the JavaScript is not executed in a web environment.
Close the Window on Submit
First, add this code to the Javascript Functions section in the component:
function closeXdialog() { var xb = []; xb.push('dim dlgtitle as c'); xb.push('dlg_title = ui_dlg_query("dialog")'); xb.push('dlg_title = filter_string(dlg_title,"GridComponentInXdialog_",crlf())'); xb.push('ui_modeless_dlg_close(dlg_title)'); xb = xb.join(';'); genericXbasicUIFromWorkingPreview(xb); }
Then, for a Grid component, add this code to the afterGridSubmit and afterRowSubmit Client-side events:
if(e.hasErrors == false) { closeXdialog(); }
If wanting to close a UX component after data is submitted, add this to the JavaScript returned by the afterDialogValidate event:
e.javascript = e.javascript + "closeXdialog();"
Close the Window when a Button is Clicked
Add the closeXdialog() javascript function from the example above to the Javascript Functions of the component.
Then, add this code to a button in the component:
This method will work for buttons placed in both UX and Grid components.
Desktop Applications Only