How to implement comma_to_crlf honoring delimiters
The comma_to_crlf function does not take into account quoted delimiters.
For example if your input string is:
alpha,beta,"gamma has, a comma",delta
You can use comma_to_crlf2() rather than comma_to_crlf_honor_delimiters() if you running version 8602 or greater.
then it will blindly break the string on all of the commas, regardless of whether the string is inside a quoted delimiter.
Here is how to implement comma_to_crlf while honoring delimiters.
txt = <<%str% ,,abc,123,"this string,has a comma",,,98767, %str% txt2 = comma_to_crlf_honor_delimiters(txt) showvar(txt2) function comma_to_crlf_honor_delimiters as c (txt as c ) dim s as stringscanner dim tokens[0] as c s = s.Create(txt) s.SkipOverWhitespace() WHILE .t. dim token as c dim num as n = s.SkipOverCharacter(",") IF num > 0 THEN token = " " tokens.push(token) FOR x = 2 TO num token = " " tokens.push(token) next ELSE token = s.ScanOverToken("*") tokens.push(token) s.SkipOverWhitespace() num = s.SkipOverCharacter(",") IF num < 1 THEN exit while ELSE FOR x = 2 TO num token = " " tokens.push(token) next END IF END IF s.SkipOverWhitespace() END WHILE dim txt2 as c txt2 = tokens.dump() comma_to_crlf_honor_delimiters = txt2 end function
See Also