- stringCharacter
The string to examine for the find text.
- start_stringCharacter
The beginning characters of the variable length text.
- end_stringCharacter
The ending characters of the variable length text.
- case_sensitiveLogical
Default = .F.; .T. = Case sensitive, .F. = Case insensitive
- regex_safeLogical
Default = .F. The "unsafe" characters are ., |, *, ?, +, (, ), {, }, , , ^, $ and \. If your Start_Find_Text and End_Find_Text do not contain any of these characters, you should set Regex_Safe to true to maximize performance.
.T. = Improves performance by declaring that the start and end tags are already regular expression safe and COUNT_TEXTBLOCKS() does not need to escape special characters.
.F. = Unsafe characters are replaced. This decreases performance on a large string.
- CountNumeric
The number of instances of the find text in Search_in_Text.
Counts the number of occurrences of a sub-string starting with 'start_string' and ending with 'end_string'.
The COUNT_TEXTBLOCKS() function returns the number of instances of the variable length text found in string.
txt = <<%txt% this is line one this is line 2 this is line 3 %txt% st = "TH" en = "NE" ? count_textblocks(txt, st, en, .t.) = 0 ? count_textblocks(txt, st, en, .f.) = 3
See Also