regex_literal_mask_get Function
C REGEX_LITERAL_MASK_GET(RegEx as c[,PlaceHolder as c[,options as c]])
- RegEx
Regular expression
- PlaceHolder
Placeholder to plug in the dynamic parts of a regular expression.
- options
Options for matching - only option at this point is '+' to expand ranges, which are normally collapsed.
Get the literal characters from a regular expression - puts in optional placeholder for characters. The purpose is to extract out the parts of a regular expression which could be considered parts of a 'template'.
The purpose of this function is to allow regular expressions brought in to be converted to input templates.
? regex_literal_mask_get("hello (a-z+) what a (a-z+) day","{tag}","+") = "hello {tag} what a {tag} day" ' A regex pattern that resembles a phone number - note that there is one placeholder per dynamic run ? regex_literal_mask_get("[0-9]-\([0-9]{1,3}\) [0-9]{1,3} [0-9]{1,4}","{digit}","") = "{digit}-({digit}) {digit} {digit}" ' The same pattern, but with a placholder for the maxed out range. ? regex_literal_mask_get("[0-9]-\([0-9]{1,3}\) [0-9]{1,3} [0-9]{1,4}","{digit}","+") = "{digit}-({digit}{digit}{digit}) {digit}{digit}{digit} {digit}{digit}{digit}{digit}"
See Also