WORDS Function
- character
A character string.
- word_number
An integer that specifies which word to return, counting left to right. Numeric
- count
Optional. Default = 1. The number of words to return. Zero (0) returns all words. Numeric
- keyword
Optional. Default = .T. (TRUE). Specifies that Alpha Anywhere should use the same rules for delimiting words that the KEYWORD() function uses. Logical
- separator
Optional. Default = space (" "). Specifies the word separator . If Separator is specified, the Keyword argument is ignored. Separator is particularly useful with CR-LF delimited lists, in which case separator is "crlf() ".
Returns words, stripping out all whitespace.
Returns count of words from character, starting with the word identified by word_number.
Assume that "fruits" is a CR-LF delimited list with these values:
Apple Orange Pear Banana Plum words(fruits, 3, 2, .T., crlf() ) -> Pear Banana words(fruits, 2, 2, .T.) -> "Orange Pear"
See Also