TIME_VAR Function
- Date_Time_Value
A Time variable with the specified date time value.
- year
The four digit year. Numeric
- month
The number of the month (January = 1). One or two digits. Numeric
- day
The day of the month. One or two digits. Numeric
- hour
The hour of the day (noon = 12). One or two digits. If you use a 12 hour notation, use the AM_PM field to specify before or after mid-day. Numeric
- minutes
The minute of the hour. One or two digits. Numeric
- seconds
The seconds of the minute. Decimal values are allowed. Numeric
- am_pm
Specifies before or after mid-day. Character. Optional. "a" = before mid-day, "p" = after mid-day
Returns a time variable
The TIME_VAR() function creates a date time variable (type T). This function is very useful when you want to compute the elapsed time between two date time values that cross date boundaries.
? Time_Var(2003,5,15,12,55,30.523,"a") = 05/15/2003 12:55:30 52 am ? typeof(Time_Var(2003,5,15,12,55,30.523,"a")) = "T" ? Time_Var(2003,5,15,22,55,30.523) = 05/15/2003 10:55:30 52 pm
put description here
See Also