A5_FIELD_INFO Function
- Field_Info
A dot variable with these elements.
- Element
- .decimals
The number of character positions allowed for decimals.
- .longtype
The field type as it appears in the Restructure Table dialog box.
- .name
The name of the field.
- .decimals
The number of character positions allowed for decimals.
- .shorttype
a single character code for the field type.
- .width
The width of the field in characters.
- tablename
The name of the table containing the field.
- fieldname
The name of the field you are interested in.
Returns info about a field in a table.
The function A5_FIELD_INFO() returns information about a field in a table. The table does not have to be open.
? a5_field_info("customer", "lastname") = decimals = 0.000000 Longtype = "Character" name = "lastname" Shorttype = "C" width = 20.000000
Note : There are several ways to get info about a field. If the table is open then you can get a pointer to a field and use the <FIELD>.TYPE_GET()and <FIELD>.WIDTH_GET()methods of the field object.
t = table.open("customer") f = t.field_get("firstname") ? f.type_get() = "C" ? f.width_get() = 20.000000 t.close()
If the table is closed, you can also use the TABLE.EXTERNAL_FIELD_NAME_GET()method to return a CR-LF delimited string of info about ALL of the fields in the table. The advantage of A5_FIELD_INFO() is that it works on a table that does not have to be open, and you do not have to extract the info from a long string that is returned by the TABLE.EXTERNAL_FIELD_NAME_GET() method.
See Also