ISBLANK Function
- fieldnameCharacter
The name of a table field used in a form or browse. The var-> prefix can be used to test locally defined variables.
- Result_FlagLogical
Returns .t. if the field is blank, otherwise .f.
Returns TRUE if the field is blank.
ISBLANK() returns .T. (TRUE) if the field identified in the Field_Name is blank; otherwise, it returns .F. (FALSE). This function works on any type of field. The function can be used is event coding for forms and browses. Note : To test for a blank string, use ISNULL().
If CUST_ID contains "C001".
? isblank("CUST_ID") = .F.
If ADDRESS2 is empty.
? isblank("ADDRESS2") = .T. ' if the FIELD_NAME variable contains "ADDRESS2" ' and the ADDRESS2 field is empty.' ? isblank(FIELD_NAME) = .T.
If the FIELD_NAME variable contains "ADDRESS2" and the ADDRESS2 field is empty.
? isblank(FIELD_NAME) = .T.
Assume that you want to remove incomplete records from your table. A quick way to identify these records is to choose a field that is normally be filled in (e.g., the LASTNAME field), and search for all occurrences where it is blank. The following filter expression would work:
Use this filter with the Mark records operation to delete the active records, followed by Pack to remove them from the table.
Another way to use this function is in a mailing list application. Assume that you want your label to print "Resident" on the first line if the LASTNAME field is blank. Create and place a calculated field that uses the expression:
if(isblank("LASTNAME"), "RESIDENT", trim(FIRSTNAME) + " " + LASTNAME)
Testing Locally Declared Variables
The ISBLANK() function can also be used to test locally defined variables. The var-> prefix can be used to reference a variable. For example:
dim str as C ? isblank("var->str") = .T. str = "Alpha Software" ? isblank("var->str") = .F. dim date as D ? isblank("var->date") = .T.
See Also