Table Menu Functions
An overview of Alpha Anywhere's table menu functions.
Insert > Table
Displays the Insert Table dialog, which allows you to define table characteristics, then inserts the table at the cursor location. Web publishing applications only.
Insert > Row
Inserts a row below the cursor location.
Insert > Column
Inserts a column to the left of the cursor location.
Insert > Cell
Inserts a cell to the left of the cursor location.
Delete > Row
Deletes the current row.
Delete > Column
Deletes the current column.
Delete > Cell
Deletes the current cell.
Merge Cells
Merges two or more adjacent cells in the same row. Note : You cannot merge cells in different rows. You cannot select multiple cells in a single column.
Split Cell
Splits a table cell into two cells.
Properties > Table
Displays the Table Properties dialog. Here you can set:
table alignment
table width in pixels or percent
cell padding
cell spacing
border thickness
table border color (for single color borders)
table border light color (for two color borders)
table border dark color (for two color borders)
table background color
table background image
Properties > Cell
Displays the Cell Properties dialog. Here you can set:
cell horizontal alignment
cell vertical alignment
cell width in pixels or percent
cell height in pixels or percent
rows to span
columns to span
cell border color (for single color borders)
cell border light color (for two color borders)
cell border dark color (for two color borders)
cell background color
cell background image
Setting Cell Properties
To set cell properties:
Display the WYSIWYG tab of your HTML Editor window.
Select the table cell to modify.
Select Table > Properties > Cell to display the Cell Properties dialog.
Click OK to apply your selections or Cancel to discard them.
The entries you see above produce the following HTML code.
width=10 background="C:\Wallpaper\michan_081003.jpg" height=10 vAlign=top borderColor=#99cc00 borderColorLight=#ff0000 align=left bgColor=#ffcc00 borderColorDark=#3366ff colSpan=2 rowSpan=2 >
See Also