varToJSONHash Function
- propertyArrayPointer
Xbasic property array
- hashPropertyCharacter
Name of the property in the Xbasic array to be used as the hash key
- flagSpecialTagsLogical
Specifies if the property array uses the special {javascript} directive to indicate that the JSON property should be generated as Javascript and not as a string. Default if false.
- flagCondenseLogical
Indicates if the generated JSON should be condensed to eliminate line breaks.
- flagUseDoubleQuotesLogical
Indicates if strings and property names should be double quoted. By default property names are not quoted and strings are single quoted.
The varToJSONHash() Function converts an Xbasic property array to a JSON hash.
varToJSONHash() is used with the following. Consider this Xbasic property array:
dim p[0] as p i = p.append() p[i].name = "John Smith" p[i].address = "123 Main Street" p[i].age = 23 i = p.append() p[i].name = "Fredia Malt" p[i].address = "456 Center Lane" p[i].age = 33
We can convert this to a JSON hash, using the 'name' property as the hash index as follows:
dim jsonHash as c jsonHash = varToJSONHash(p,"name")
The resulting JSON string looks like this:
?jsonHash = { 'John Smith' : {address: '123 Main Street',age: 23}, 'Fredia Malt' : {address: '456 Center Lane',age: 33} }
In this next example we use the flagSpecialTags property
DIM p[0] as p i = p.append() p[i].name = "John Smith" p[i].address = "123 Main Street" p[i].age = 23 p[i].sayHello = "{javascript}function() { alert('hello John') }" i = p.append() p[i].name = "Fredia Malt" p[i].address = "456 Center Lane" p[i].age = 33 jsonHash = varToJSONHash(p,"name", .t.)
The resulting JSON string is:
?jsonHash = { 'John Smith' : {address: '123 Main Street',age: 23,sayHello: function() { alert('hello John') }}, 'Fredia Malt' : {address: '456 Center Lane',age: 33} }
See Also