excel_to_resultset Function
dim result as SQL::ResultSet (filename as c [, sheetname as c])
- filenameCharacter
The file name of the Excel file.
- sheetnameCharacter
Default = the first sheet. The name of the Excel sheet to read records from. If you do not specify a value, the first sheet in the file is assumed.
Takes an Excel file and returns a SQL::Resultset object.
The excel_to_resultset() function loads an Excel file and returns a SQL::Resultset object that can be used to iterate over the data in the Excel file. You can optionally specify the name of a sheet in the file. If you do not specify a sheetname, the first sheet in the file is assumed.
dim fn as c = "C:\excelfiles\myExcelDoc.xlsx"; dim rs as SQL::ResultSet rs = excel_to_resultset(fn, "products")
See Also