PDF_FromBitmap Function
Result as P = PDF_FromBitmap(P p )
- Result
Contains an error flag.
- p
Properties that control the conversion process.
The PDF_FromBitmap() function converts a bitmap file into a PDF file. Typically this function is used to create a PDF file that will be used as a Watermark for another PDF file. Returns the name of the PDF file.
dim ptr as P ptr.bitmapFile = "c:\a5v51\splash.bmp" ptr.pageHeight = 11 ptr.pageWidth = 8.5 ptr.centerBitmap = .f. ptr.top = 0 ptr.left = 0 ptr.grayscale = .t. ptr.grayscaleLevel = 80 '100 means very light - 0 means no tint ptr.outputFilename = "c:\wm1.pdf" ptr.PrinterName = "Alpha Anywhere Printer" ptr.imageHeight = 4 ptr.imageWidth = 5 ptr.ImageStyle = "bestfit" ' "tile" '"Stretch" '"BestFit" result = PDF_FromBitmap(ptr) if result.error = .f. then sys_open(ptr.outputfilename) end if
See Also