SQL_TableImport Function
- A dot variable that contains error information.
- Element
- Description
- .HasError
L Indicates whether an error occurred. The options are:
- .T.
- .F.
- .ErrorText
C Contains an error message.
- .UserCancelled
L Specifies whether the user cancelled the operation. The options are:
- .T.
- .F.
- SqlConn
A SQL::Connection object that established the connection to the back-end database.
- owner
The owner of the database, if required.
- tablename
The name of the back-end database table to copy.
- localfilename
The path and name of the .DBF file to create.
- ShowProgress
Logical. Optional. Default = .T. . Indicates whether to display a progress indicator on the Status Bar.
- SizeToFit
Logical. Optional. Default = .T. . Indicates whether to size the target table's fields to fit the data.
- AllowCancel
Optional. Default = .T. . Indicates whether to display a button that allow's the user to cancel the import operation.
- AddTableToDatabase
Optional. Default = .T. . Indicates whether to create a new table, if it does not already exist.
- StatusBarFormatString
Optional. Default = "". The format to use to display the Status Bar. This parameter is only relevant if Show_Progress is set to .T. . See STATUSBAR.ABORT_CHECK().
Import a SQL table into a DBF table. Optionally adds the table to the current database.
The SQL_TableImport() function imports a table from a back-end SQL database to a DBF table.
Desktop applications only.
See Also