create_table_sql Function
result as P = create_table_sql(fieldList as C, connectionString as C, tableName as C[, mode as C])
- fieldListCharacter
A crlf string or a JSON string defining the fields in the table to be created or a file - .csv, .txt, or Excel (.xls or .xlsx) - that defines the fields to create. See below for more information.
- connectionStringCharacter
The connection string to the database where you want to create the SQL table. Can be either a named connection string, or an explicit connection string.
- tableNameCharacter
Name of the table to create.
- modeCharacter
Can be "skip" - does not create table if there is an existing table, or "overwrite" - overwrite any existing table
- resultPointer
Returns an Object with these properties:
- hasErrorLogical
.T. indicates an error occurred, otherwise .F.
- errorTextCharacter
Description of the error if any occurred.
- sqlStatementCharacter
The SQL statement that was generated to create the table.
Create a table in a SQL database.
The fieldList parameter can be either a JSON array of objects defining each field, or a crlf delimited list of pipe delimited properties.
Example: CRLF Data Format
Example of a CRLF delimited fieldList:
id|N|6|0|AutoIncrement name|c|20 dob|d notes|m
In this example a primary key (that is not an AutoIncrement fields) is defined
id|c|6||PrimaryKey name|c|20 dob|d notes|m
When defining a primary key you can designate multiple columns:
firstname|c|20||PrimaryKey lastname|c|20||PrimaryKey dob|d notes|m
Example: JSON Data Format
Example of a JSON fieldList:
[ {"name": "id", "type": "numeric", "size": 6, "decimals" : 0, "autoIncrement": true}, {"name": "name", "type": "character", "size": 20}, {"name": "dob", "type": "date"}, {"name": "notes", "type": "memo"} ]
In this next example a primary key (that is not an Auto Increment field) is defined:
[ {"name": "id", "type": "character", "size": 6, "primaryKey": true}, {"name": "name", "type": "character", "size": 20}, {"name": "dob", "type": "date"}, {"name": "notes", "type": "memo"} ]
Example: Excel file
dim file as c = "C:\path\to\sampleExcelData.xlsx" dim result as p result = create_table_sql(file,"::Name::conn","Customers2") ? result.hasError = .F. ? result.sqlstatement = CREATE TABLE Customers2 ( CUSTOMERID char(255) NULL, COMPANYNAME char(255) NULL, CONTACTNAME char(255) NULL, CONTACTTITLE char(255) NULL, ADDRESS char(255) NULL, CITY char(255) NULL, REGION char(255) NULL, POSTALCODE char(255) NULL, COUNTRY char(255) NULL, PHONE char(255) NULL, FAX char(255) NULL)