sql_delete Function
p Result = sql_delete(SQL::Connection conn, c tableName, c PrimaryKey, c PrimaryKeyValue, l flagExecute [, p options])
p Result = sql_delete(C conn, c tableName, [c PrimaryKey, [c PrimaryKeyValue, [l flagExecute [, p options]])
- connSQL::ConnectionCharacter
An open SQL::Connection object or connection string.
- tableNameCharacter
The name of table to delete the record.
- PrimaryKeyCharacter
The primary key of table. If primary key has multiple columns, enter a ||| delimited list of fields. If primaryKey is not specified (e.g., if "" is passed in), the table will be examined to determine the primary key.
- PrimaryKeyValueAny Type
The primary key of record you want to delete. If the table has multiple primary key columns, enter a ||| delimited list of values. For example: 12034|||32
- flagExecuteLogical
Default = .t.. If .f., the SQL is not executed. Instead, the options object shows the SQL that was generated.
- optionsPointer
Required if flagExecute is set to .f.. Contains the SQL generated for the deleting the record.
- ResultPointer
An object with the following properties:
- errorLogical
If .t., an error occurred. Otherwise .f..
- errorTextCharacter
A detailed description of the error - if any occurred.
- sqlCharacter
The SQL that was generated to execute the delete.
- ArgumentsCharacter
The XML arguments generated for the delete.
Deletes a record in a SQL table.
The sql_delete() function deletes a record from a SQL table.
dim conn as C = "::Name::AADemo-Northwind" dim table as C = "Customers" dim primaryKeyValue as C = "ALFKI" dim execute as L = .f. dim options as P dim result as P result = sql_delete(conn,table,"",primaryKeyValue,execute,options) showvar(result)