sql_update Function
- connectionCharacter SQL::Connection
An open SQL::connection object, a connection string, or a named connection string.
- tablenameCharacter
Name of the table to update.
- fieldValuePairsCharacter
Fields to update with corresponding values. A cr-lf list of the form fieldname=value. Or a JSON string (see example). Date values must be specified using yyyy/mm/dd format.
- primaryKeyCharacter
Name of primary key field. If primaryKey is multi column use ||| to delimit (e.g. OrderNumber|||PartNumber)
- primaryKeyValueCharacter
Value of primary key. If primaryKey is multi-column, use ||| to delimit (e.g. 10245|||23)
- executeLogical
If false, the SQL is not executed. However, you can still examine the result.sql and result.arguments properties to see what SQL was generated.
- resultPointer
An object with the following properties:
- errorLogical
If .t., an error occurred. Otherwise .f..
- errorTextCharacter
A detailed description of the error - if any occurred.
- sqlCharacter
The SQL that was generated to execute the update.
- ArgumentsCharacter
The XML arguments generated for the update.
Updates a record in a SQL table.
This function is just a wrapper around the Xbasic AlphaDAO commands to execute a SQL update statement, but it convenient to use for simple cases.
dim cn as sql::Connection cn.open("::Name::myconnstring") tablename = "mytable" fieldsValuePairs = <<%str% name=fred smith date of birth=1952/12/18 salary=78000 %str% 'You can also specify field values using JSON fieldsValuePairs = <<%str% { "name" : "fred smith", "date of birth" : "1954/11/25", "salary" : "78000" } %str% primaryKey = "id" primarykeyValue = "1" p = sql_update(cn,tablename,fieldsValuePairs,primaryKey,primaryKeyvalue)
See Also