a5wcb_googleAuthenticatorQRCode Function
C a5wcb_googleAuthenticatorQRCode(C issuer ,C userid ,C secret [,N width[,N height[,L returnB64image]])
- issuerCharacter
An arbitrary string that identifies your application (no spaces). For example, "MyWebApp".
- useridCharacter
An arbitrary string to identify the user.
- secretCharacter
The secret used to generate tokens. The secret must be 16 characters long with no spaces.
- widthNumeric
Default = 400. Width of the QR Code in pixels.
- heightNumeric
Default = 400. Height of the QR Code in pixels.
- returnB64imageLogical
Default = .f.. If .t. the base64 encoded image for the QR Code bitmap is returned. If .f. the QR code is displayed in a pop-up window (Desktop Applications Only).
- resultCharacter
Returns the base64 encoded QR Code if returnB64image has been set to .t.. Otherwise, returns nothing.
Displays a QR code to register a new application in the Google Authenticator mobile application.
The Google Authenticator App is used to display a time based token. In order to register a new application in the Google Authenticator app, a QR code is scanned. The a5wcb_googleAuthenticatorQRCode() function can be used to generate this QR Code.
dim issuer as c = "MyWebApp" dim userid as c = "[email protected]" dim secret as c = "abcdefghijklmnop" b64 = a5wcb_googleAuthenticatorQRCode(issuer,userid,secret,300,300,.t.) showvar(b64)