HTML as C = a5w_RadioButtons(C choices, C name [,C selected [,C style [,C orientation [,C events [,C id [,C separator [,C class [,L flagDisabled [,C spanClass [,C verticalSpaceBetweenControls [,C customAttributes]]]]]]]]]]])
- choicesCharacter
A CR-LF delimited list of choices to include in the radio button list. Each choice is defined using the format displayValue|storedValue|attributes. storedValue and attributes are optional. If the storedValue is not specified, the value of the radio button will be identical to the displayValue. Examples:
Simple list of choicesapple orange mango
List of choices with customized stored valuesJanuary|1 February|2 March|3
Defining AttributesNot Applicable|1|required myCustomAttribute="some value" Yes|2|required No|3|required
To assign an attribute to all radio button options, use the customAttributes argument.
- nameCharacter
The name of the radio button group. This is required.
- selectedCharacter
Default = "". The default selected value for the radio button group.
- styleCharacter
Default = "". Optional inline CSS styles to add to the style attribute for each choice in the radio button group.
- orientationCharacter
Default = "horizontal". The orientation of the radio button choices. The orientation can be one of the following:
- Orientation
- Description
- "horizontal"
Choices are side by side, left to right.
- "vertical:verticalSpace"
Choices are on separate lines, top to bottom. You can optionally specify additional space to include between each value using the syntax :verticalSpace after the word "vertical". For example, "vertical:20px".
- "COLUMNS:LRTB:count"
Choices snake from left-to-right, top-to-bottom where count is the number of columns
- "COLUMNS:TBLR:count"
Choices snaking from top-to-bottom, left-to-right where count is the number of rows
- eventsCharacter
Default = "". Optional event attributes to add to each radio button. For example, "onclick=\"alert('clicked '+this.value+'!');\"". See HTMLElement (MDN) to learn more about HTML element event attributes.
- idCharacter
Default = "". An optional ID to assign each radio button element. The generated id is the form "id.count" where count is a numeric value assigned to the choice. Numeric values are assigned to choices in the order listed in the choices variable, beginning with the number 1.
- separatorCharacter
Default = "|". The character string used to separate each setting in the choices parameter. If choices use a separator other than "|" to define the display, stored, and optional attribute values, you pass in the separator string into the separator argument.
- classCharacter
Default = "". One or more optional classes to assign to the class attribute for each radio button option.
- flagDisabledLogical
Default = .f.. If .t., the generated output creates a radio button group that is disabled (the choices cannot be modified when interacted with in a browser.)
- spanClassCharacter
Default = "". One or more class names to add to the <span> tag that wraps each choice.
- verticalSpaceBetweenControlsCharacter
Default = "". A CSS length value that defines the vertical space to include between controls when orientation is set to "vertical". E.g. 25px.
- customAttributesCharacter
Default = "". One or more attributes to add to each radio button. For example: "required myCustomAttribute=\"some value\""
- HTMLCharacter
Returns the generated <input> markup for a list of radio buttons that can then be added to the HTML for an application.
Used to generate radio button HTML markup for a web page.
The A5W_RADIOBUTTONS() function generates <input> HTML elements for a list of choices. The generated markup can be inserted into the HTML for an application, such as a <div> on an .a5w page or a Static Text control in a UX component.
For example:
dim choices as c =<<%txt% apple orange mango %txt% dim name as c = "fruit" dim html as c = a5w_radioButtons(choices,name) ? html = <span ><input type="radio" value="apple" name="fruit[{grid.componentname}]" />apple</span> <span ><input type="radio" value="orange" name="fruit[{grid.componentname}]" />orange</span> <span ><input type="radio" value="mango" name="fruit[{grid.componentname}]" />mango</span>
The value attribute can be a different value from the displayed choice by specifying a stored value. For example, in the Xbasic script below, a numeric value is specified for each choice. Note that the value attribute in the generated output contains the stored values:
dim choices as c =<<%txt% January|1 February|2 March|3 %txt% dim name as c = "Q1" dim html as c = a5w_radioButtons(choices,name) ? html = <span ><input type="radio" value="1" name="Q1[{grid.componentname}]" />January</span> <span ><input type="radio" value="2" name="Q1[{grid.componentname}]" />February</span> <span ><input type="radio" value="3" name="Q1[{grid.componentname}]" />March</span>
You can also specify optional attributes to include in the <input> tag for a choice after the stored value. For example:
dim choices as c =<<%txt% Not Applicable|1|required myCustomAttribute="some value" Yes|2|required No|3|required %txt% dim name as c = "yesNo" dim html as c = a5w_radioButtons(choices,name) ? html = <span ><input required myCustomAttribute="some value" type="radio" value="1" name="yesNo[{grid.componentname}]" />Not Applicable</span> <span ><input required type="radio" value="2" name="yesNo[{grid.componentname}]" />Yes</span> <span ><input required type="radio" value="3" name="yesNo[{grid.componentname}]" />No</span>