a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory Function
dim userValues as P = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory([C UserName [,C AdditionalAttributes ]])
- UserNameCharacter
The user to lookup.
The UserName is required if a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory() is used in Alpha Anywhere 4.4.4 or prior. Starting with Alpha Anywhere build 4449, the user name is optional. If no user name is specified, values for the currently logged in user will be fetched.- AdditionalAttributesCharacter
A comma or CR-LF delimited list of additional properties to retrieve that are available in Active Directory but are not listed by default. See http://www.kouti.com/tables/userattributes.htm for a list of possible properties that may be available.
- userValuesPointer
Returns a dot variable with the properties listed below plus any additional properties requested using the AdditionalAttributes parameter. If the Alpha Anywhere Application Server is not configured to use Active Directory, the Active Directory server cannot be reached, or the user does not exist, no properties will be returned.
If a property has no value, it will have a type of Z.
- AccountExpirationDateTime
The account's expiration date.
- AccountLockedOutLogical
Indicates whether or not the account is locked.
- AccountLockoutTimeTime
LDAP lockout time
- BadLogonCountNumeric
The number of failed login attempts.
- DescriptionCharacter
Typically a job description or some other user defined information.
- DisplayNameCharacter
The account display name.
- DistinguishedNameCharacter
The LDAP address for the user (see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc977992.aspx for more information.)
- EmailAddressCharacter
The user's email address.
- EmployeeIdCharacter
The employee ID.
- EnabledLogical
Indicates whether or not the user is active in Active Directory.
- GivenNameCharacter
The user's first name.
- GuidCharacter
LDAP object GUID - A modified unique identifier with hyphens removed, similar to the userGuid in Alpha Anywhere security. Unique for each user and doesn't change.
- HomeDirectoryCharacter
The path to the user's home directory. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms676190(v=vs.85).aspx for more information.
- HomeDriveCharacter
The home drive.
- LastBadPasswordAttemptTime
The time for the last time the login failed due to incorrect password.
- LastLogonTime
The time the user last logged on.
- LastPasswordSetTime
The last password set for the user's account.
- MiddleNameCharacter
The user's middle name.
- NameCharacter
The user's full name - first and last name.
- PasswordNeverExpiresLogical
Indicates whether or not the password expires.
- PasswordNotRequiredLogical
Indicates whether or not a password is required.
- RolesCharacter
A CR-LF delimited list of the user's roles.
- SamAccountNameCharacter
The user logon name.
- ScriptPathCharacter
The path to the login script.
- SidCharacter
LDAP ObjectSid - A system identifier and can change for a user. See https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961625.aspx for more details.
- SmartcardLogonRequiredLogical
If .t., two-factor authentication is required to logon. See https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/poshchap/2015/05/08/security-focus-resetting-smart-card-is-required-for-interactive-logon/ for more information.
- SurnameCharacter
The user's last name.
- UserCannotChangePasswordLogical
Indicate whether or not the user can change their password.
- UserPrincipalNameCharacter
The user's name in Active Directory. This is the login name + domain. For example [email protected].
- VoiceTelephoneNumberCharacter
The user's telephone number.
Get the Active Directory properties for a user. Alpha Anywhere must be configured to use active directory.
The a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory function returns a list of properties for the specified user. A default set of properties is always returned. Proeprties that are available in Active Directory but are not included by default can also be retrieved by passing the list of additional attributes into the AdditionalAttributes parameter.
This example demonstrates how to get the phone number for the currently logged in user. The property is a default property, VoiceTelephoneNumber:
dim user as p dim phone as c user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("") '--- optional method to pass in current user 'user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory(Context.Security.CurrentUser) if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found phone = user.VoiceTelephoneNumber else 'error - no user data found end if
This next example demonstrates how to get the phone number for a specific user:
dim user as p dim phone as c user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("UserLoginName") if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found phone = user.VoiceTelephoneNumber end if
This example demonstrates getting an optional parameter (physicalDeliveryOfficeName):
dim user as p dim office as c user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("","physicalDeliveryOfficeName") if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found office= user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName end if
In this example, two optional parameters are fetched (physicalDeliveryOfficeName and homePhone):
dim user as p dim office as c dim home_phone as c user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("","physicalDeliveryOfficeName,homePhone") if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found office= user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName home_phone = user.homePhone end if
If the additional properties is too long, the values can be passed in as a list:
dim addProps as c addProps = <<%txt% physicalDeliveryOfficeName homePhone %txt% dim user as p dim UserLoginName as c = "jsmith" dim office as c dim home_phone as c user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory(UserLoginName ,addProps) if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found office= user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName home_phone = user.homePhone end if